How far will Jose Lezcano go.


The fifth month of 2019 comes to an end, with it the most important tests have already been held.

Few protagonists who started last January have managed to stay in the game, curiously the winners of the important races City of Light, the Pegasus World Cup and Thunder Snow winner of the Dubai World Cup, have stayed away from the tracks. The first one because it was already intended for reproduction and the second is to take the flight to New York, where it is very likely that we will see it at the great race June 8th.

Among the riders the changes of venue have been continuous, unlike last year when the Ortiz did not leave the New York circuit for any reason, nor the whips that played in Florida went up to try their luck in the Big Apple.

Now, as happens when there is a lot of money involved, you are looking for the best option to rise to fame and swell the coffers where there is more reward in between.

Thus the things Jose and Irad Ortíz, lowered to Florida, sweeping first in Aqueduct. Later they traveled to Keeneland and hour they are of a side to another one fulfilling with enough commitments in different places.

“Little squeezes the one that covers a lot” a saying that fits the Ortiz brothers perfectly and that perfectly describes the uncertain moment they are going through. Zero triumphs in the Triple Crown.

On the other hand the Panamanian José Lezcano, made a castling envied by the very Kasparov, left Florida and settled in Belmont, where he has taken the control of the actions and remains at the top with 5 wins ahead of his closest pursuer, with 36% effective first place and a sensational 66% on the board.

The coaches look for their services constantly and with good reason is the most valued of all the staff. No doubt add one more championship in Belmont and will be one of the most sought after in the phlegmatic season of Saratoga, which is close to leaps and bounds.