Texas Hold’Em – Hipódromo

Texas Hold'em - Caliente Casino Hipodromo Tijuana
Mega Texas Hold'em - Caliente Hipodromo - Tijuana

Enjoy the Caliente Casino Hipódromo Texas Hold’em Mega Event!

$750,0000 Mexican Pesos

Guaranteed Purse

Texas hold'em - Tijuana - Dates

SEPTEMBER 11 TO 15 2019
3 qualifying days, semifinal and
Grand Final September 15, 2019

Texas Hold'em Tijuana - Bonus

Buy in and Staff Bonus

Buy in: $3,500+300 Mexican pesos = 30,000 pts
Staff Bonus: $200 Mexican pesos = 10,000 pts

Texas Hold'em Tijuana - Schedule

Start 4:00 pm
Finish 2:00 pm

Rules and Conditions

Entrance fee to the Mega Event, (initial buy-in): $3,500 + 300 Mexican Pesos, with a right to 30,000 initial points and a staff bonus purchase option for $200 Mexican Pesos with the right to 10,000 extra points. In the event that a participant loses all of their points, they will have the option to re-enter the Mega Event for the same amount of their initial purchase ($3,500 + 300 Mexican Pesos) for 30,000 points with the option to purchase a personal bonus, in case of have a waiting list, the first player on the list will take the place of the eliminated player, and this will go to the end of the waiting list. Blinds will last 40 minutes per level. The late registration and the option to re-entry will be 6 levels, they will be played on days 11, 12 and 13 where they will play until level 14 or until there are 20 players who qualified for the semifinal on September 14, 2019. The day Saturday the semifinal will be played with the total of classified players, these will compete until there are 20 players, who will compete in the final table on Sunday. The players already qualified, can re-register as new players any of the qualifying days still available, will start as a new stack of chips equal to that of all players.


With a cost of $400 + 20 Mexican Pesos ($400 x 20 players = $ 4,000 Mexican pesos + 200 Mexican Pesos commission), covering in full an entry to the Mega Event and the commission of the house for the satellite. With a duration of 10 minutes the blinds. The winner can not transfer his pass to the Mega Event. Any player can participate in a satellite as many times as he wishes, in case of winning multiple times he can use these passes to re-enter the Mega Event.

Multi Table Satellites

Monday, Wednesday and Saturday would be replaced the current Mega Events on the days indicated during the period that will last the satellites. The cost will be $200 Mexican pesos + $ 20 Mexican pesos, with repurchases and add on.

Drawing numbers an/or symbols. Gambling is prohibited for minors. Enjoy responsibly. SEGOB permit 03923 and its subsequent modifications.