Audible buried the competition

Audible Scorched the competition

The fifth race of the Saturday program in Gufstream Park, seemed like the perfect scenario to launch the future star of the 2019 season.

Stigma? Chance? Coincidence? Choose which one you like the most but in some way we must describe what is happening with Todd Pletcher’s horses. Audible had to overcome without any problem the commitment to five rivals very much in the way, however the reality was different, very different.

The rain was present and left the waterlogged track, a situation that did not affect the fans made the representative of Todd Pletcher the basis of all their bets, with a prohibitive odd of 1/9, this indicated that to win a dollar had to bet 9.

The doors opened and the viacrucis began for the son of Harlan’s Holiday, curiously, in the race that honored the famous stallion. We were left with the square eye when we saw that Audible was left behind, when taking the first corner, in the penultimate position surpassing by almost two long Sir Anthony, who made his debut in degree races.

The Venezuelan Javier Castellano, seemed sure of what he was doing when leaving the group to the steeds that were forgotten on the board, Sightforsorereyes (40-1) and Minute Madness (60-1) who took their role seriously and gave their best effort, although it did not help them at all.

When passing the 1,200 meters the panorama changed radically, since the pointers were already exhausted and from the middle of the group Audible was approaching in each stride towards the first places. It seemed that the strategy was going to give the expected results, however came the laughs just behind the big favorite and smeared by the sticks Brian Hernandez released the reins to Sir Anthony (25-1) and launched in pursuit of victory, while Audible had to open halfway to avoid the exhausted pointers.

In those positions they took the final straight, Caballero Antonio looked stronger and managed to maintain the advantage of medium length when crossing the wire, another gladiator of Pletcher had fallen. After this result the sky became gray for the aspirations of the colorado.