Baffert triumphs in the north and south

Baffert triumphs in the north and south
Baffert triumphs in the north and south

Bo Baffert was praised in Saratoga and Del Mar, on the weekend, after a long time of staying away from the foregrounds, because his pupils could not with the package at the right time.

The withdrawal of Thunder Snow, subtracted a little interest in the Whitney because he left the way clear for the retreat to be applied since the doors of the starter and opened and gave a chair on how to handle the passage of a race.

At the beginning McKinzie went to the front along with Preservationist until the end of the first corner, in the back straight he loosened his pace and stayed behind the pointer, a brave steed that tried to escape but only lasted his taste at the end of the final curve and in that At the moment Mike Smith completely seized the actions and only demanded a little more from the son of Street Sense, but only with his hands without mediating a single shot in the middle, crossing the finish line with two lengths of advantage.

Our favorite Vino Rosso, could only get third place, after John Velazquez was fighting with the sorrel from the game. With this victory, Bo Baffert’s pupil got his place for BC Classic next November in Santa Anita.

As if that were not enough, on Sunday Kingly, led by Mario Gutierrez, gave Bo Baffert his first victory in grammar races, since far away 2012. Yes, you read that right, it took more than seven years for The legendary coach will return to the circle of winners in this type of match, something that even Baffert himself did not expect because he was still enjoying the triumph of the Whitney.

Finally, Kukulkan stayed on the shore again in the West Virginia Governor’s, before Silver Dust, this curb has become the nemesis of the Mexican colt that has failed to score victories since last May. Point Determined’s son was in a good duel in the final stretch, but everything was in a good effort. Corey Lanerie became balls with the change of power and there he lost fractions of a second that in the end they charged the flag of the Saint George Square.