Game Winner reappears in the Alamitos Derby

Game Winner reappears in the Alamitos Derby
Game Winner reappears in the Alamitos Derby

The mini season in Los Alamitos will come to an end next Sunday, with more grief than glory because they had to cancel their function yesterday for lack of registration and the Saturday bill includes two races with only 4 copies in action.

Memory leaves us at this time, because in recent times we had not seen a meager amount in the number of runners; in which it is considered as the second state in importance by the ovals that filled equestrian pages and pages over almost 85 years of true epic days that enriched this beautiful sport.

Joel Rosario will take the plane at night in New York, to dawn in Los Angeles and fulfill the commitment of Game Winner in Los Alamitos Derby, proof that was approved with two copies of Bo Baffert and two remaining that will be simple comparsas in the tour of the 1,900 meters. The retinto will have no excuse to deliver good accounts to his followers that will elevate him as a base bet for the pick 6, since the winnings will be minimal in the plays to place.

The Dominican whip will return to raffle the physicist in Saratoga where he is rubbing elbows with cream and North American cream.

Something similar will happen in Saratoga in the Diana, tomorrow’s stellar event, in which the coach Chad Brown “tied” in some way the triumph when registering three of the six competitors, this is not remarkable for the number of runners but for the enormous quality of each of them. The first is Rushing Fall, who holds an impressive record of eight wins in new starts, undefeated in 2019 and her last three successes have been in Grade 1 races.

Homerique, a tordilla that comes from running in France and that in this Continent has not known the defeat, always mounted by Irad Oriz Jr .; finally there is the return of the champion Sistercharlie, who will try to repeat color in this same match she won last year. We just do not see who can prevent Chad Brown from taking the picture in the circle of the victors.

The most interesting test for us is going to run in Indiana Grand, also on Saturday shortly before 6 o’clock in the afternoon (central time), when we see Kukulkan parade in the Michael G Schaefer, where he will face eight rivals. All those involved have participated in degree programs, with regular results. So the challenge is not simple and it is clear that a victory of the pupil of Fausto Gutiérrez will be the trigger to look for higher-caliber races.