The Texans heading headed to the top. Houston vs Tennessee

Houston Texans

Week 12 of the NFL season 2018 closes this Monday night with a game between Houston and the Titans; for this game the Texans are on track to clinch the top of their Division.

Everything is ready for the closing of another day in the NFL. The playoffs are getting closer and no doubt they are defining who will be the teams that enter the next step of the tournament. In the American Conference in the South Division the numbers are tight and in fact this party will be played by two members of this group.

On the one hand are the Texans who have a record of seven games won by three lost. They are located in the first place and if they continue down this road they will be a serious candidate, especially because in the defense they are a hard machine to penetrate.

The Texans arrive with seven games won in a row, pure inspiration. This game will be the second time it is played in the season as both franchises met on September 16, on what was the second day and on that occasion the game was tilted for the Titans who took the match for a score 20 to 17.

But things have changed and everything for Houston has improved and for Tennessee it has gone into a tailspin. The Titans have not been consistent, lose one and win one, every week is a blown his game, last week lost to the Colts 38 to 10.